Category:Machines & Tools Country:All countries Featured companiesFesto Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
Customer service: World-wide in 186 countries
Business area:
Automation with pneumatic and electric components and systems.
Basic and vocational training in industrial automation
Number of catalogue products:
About 23,000 in several hundred thousand variants
Main product groups:
* Drives and drive accessories
* Handling and vacuum technology
* Positioning
* Valves and valve accessories
* Proportional technology
* Compressed-air preparation
* Tubing,[...]
ARGO FPH Edward Ciechanowski [polish] [english]
The beginning of ARGO goes back to three generations. The founder - Adam Ciechanowski - was a known craftsman in the twenties in Cech Rzemieœlników Krakowskich - an organisation associating craftsmen in Cracow. He was a locksmith. His son - Stefan Ciechanowski - the next owner of ARGO - extended activity to scales and some painting tools production (trays, putty-knives).
In 1977 Edward Ciechanowski became the owner of ARGO. After the marked was analyzed he decided to change the production profile.[...]
Kaeser Kompressoren Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
KAESER Kompressoren offers products, services and complete systems for the generation, treatment and delivery of energy in the form of compressed air. The system solutions aim at optimal economy and efficiency.
The innovative products and services of outstanding quality provided by KAESER assist the compressed air user in strengthening competitive capability. Continuous dialogue with customers is an essential part of concept development and continuous improvement in the total economy, efficiency,[...]
ZPHU BLACHMIX Piotr Małucha [polish] [english]
Blachmix - Manufacturer of machinery for sheet metal profiling.
Blachmix offers the following metal sheets:
- galvanized on both sides
- galvanized on both sides with multiple polyester layers
- with aluminium and zinc coating
- aluminium sheets with polyester coating on both sides
Modern technologies and high quality of the products make them light, weather-proof, easy to install, attractive, and functional.
Their high quality guarantees long life of the sheets.
Their attractive[...]
Nord Napędy sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
If you are a user of gearmotors, gear reducers, or mechanical power transmission, you will appreciate the unique design features of NORD products.
But NORD Gear is about more than just the product. It is also about the combination of people and technology providing industry leading service. Our expanding assembly facilities and world-wide computer network combine to provide you with quick and accurate deliveries. Do you need your product in two days, next day, or even same day? If we have it,[...]
F.R.B. Profil [polish] [english]
Our firm sale machine to product of sheet metals: duct, profiles, chanels and box type product. We are agent of firm ACL Group in Poland. We execute every kind of duct also. Bought machines in our firm are orginal, what is confirmed by certificate. For our machines we give guarantee an service.[...]
Tanake S.A.
TANAKE Corporation S.A. działa na rynku już ponad 25 lat. Dwie dekady działalności pozwoliły nam zdobyć doświadczenie i pozycję lidera na rynku dostawców sprzętu i technologii dla szpitali, gastronomii, piekarnictwa, pralnictwa oraz nawodnień i techniki szklarniowej. Prowadzimy działalność handlową w zakresie projektowania, dystrybucji sprzętu oraz części zamiennych i materiałów eksploatacyjnych. Obsługujemy wiele segmentów rynku.
* Zatrudnienie w TANAKE kształtuje się[...]
Siemens Finance Sp.z o.o.
Siemens Finance Sp. z o.o. jest spółką wchodzącą w skład grupy Siemens Financial Services (SFS), należącej do koncernu Siemens, jednej z największych światowych firm w branży elektrotechnicznej i elektronicznej. SFS zatrudnia na całym świecie 1700 pracowników, skupiając swoją aktywność w dziedzinie finansowanie sprzedaży i inwestycji, zarządzania funduszami oraz rozwiązań ubezpieczeniowych. Propozycje SFS odpowiadają na potrzeby grupy Siemens oraz innych przedsiębiorstw.